Friday, July 22, 2011

"Reed Hastings" Engadget Podcast 116

the content of podcast # 116 included talk about x-box, netflix, vivienne tam hp netbooks, vista, and atom processors. it was the self-proclaimed, terrifying edition, and perhaps I'm less fraidy than most, but I didn't find it all that scary.  ok, maybe I did panic a bit when some of the avatar discussion began to make me feel old OLD old

the x-box discussion included a guest; chris grant, from joystiq.  I could have been misinterpreting josh's banter, but I think he has a gamer-crush on chris.  while describing him, josh tried to cover his loving intonation with sarcasm, but he didn't fool me. 

"handsome chris grant" (photo from joystiq)

from the x-box avatar discussion, I'm guessing that maybe paul has a gamer-crush on nintendo. I like to think of paul jumping to nintendo's defense.  it's heart-warming, and it fits perfectly with my idea of paul's podcast identity.

paul's earnest mii, by john keyes

once again, josh proves how valuable he is to the overall listenability of the podcast, not only by providing some of the quickest humor, but also by acting as the overall context-setter. paul and nilay have opposite, on-air personalities that come together at josh. a friend of mine told me, a long time ago, when I used to make fun of those who listened to this podcast (no - it wasn't nice of me to do that - hey, I'm not always nice - as I write that, I'm trying really hard not to picture my husband vigorously nodding his head in agreement), that her husband used to get really annoyed by one of the hosts because he was always lording the fact that he was BOSS over the other hosts.  I was like, "yeah, I'm totally sure that they're all annoying!" I couldn't have been more wrong, nor could I disagree more with my friend's husband about josh.  he's hilarious, and I don't see him as overbearing, nor affected.  there are a few moments during the x-box discourse where he steamrolls paul and nilay to get his veiws across, but you know, that's only because he's flirting with chris grant. no, really, I truly think that josh is flirting with chris.  later in the podcast, after chris grant has hung up, josh calls him beautiful, and then he blushes.

alephbot mii, by john keyes

so, yeah. buy things for an avatar?  maybe...if I could pay for them with bells.  in my mind, avatar accessories rank about as high on my must-purchase list as facebook gifts for all of my best friends (i.e. not there).  I have a feeling that this sentiment makes me officially old.  if this post had a midi-version theme song, it would be the chorus of "fourteen or fight." 

image from

I don't remember if netflix discussions come on the heels of x-box exactly, but nilay busts out an awesome netflix joke, and it's here in the podcast that I think maybe I should be terrified after all, because I find that joke to be so funny.  I guffawed out loud, and that's not the sad part.  the sad part is that my snorting laughter began after paul and nilay were cracking up over paul's delayed delight. that's how long it took me to understand the joke.  I actually felt grateful that I wasn't listening to a live podcast because I was on the verge of rewinding, when the meaning of nilay's statement finally broke in my mind.

nilay's dude mii, by john keyes

vista, blah blah blah.  netbooks, blah blah blah.  windows 7 - don't know anything about it.  the combination of hp pavillion and vista forced me to go out and purchase a 13" macbook pro.  I have never been happier with a purchase.

at the very end of the podcast, josh fires paul.  I learned the word, cruft


  1. Successful podcasts need to have a leader than can keep the flow going, even for random chatter like the podcast encourages. But on to more important things - you snort?

  2. I've been known to snort...I'm surprised you haven't heard it yet. we must get giggly - stat.
