Friday, August 12, 2011

"listen to me very closely" Engadget Podcast 119

this is a solid episode - well worth listening to.  there are a couple of meaty topics (josh tests and discusses the bberry storm; nilay speaks copyright law), and a nice demonstration of yet another reason I like this podcast: there's a lot of transparency in the thinking. that is, not every idea is fully baked and polished before being presented. for me, that's a big deal. it's nice to witness other people actually putting ideas together. discussions are more lively that way, I learn a lot more that way, and there's more comedy that way. I find many things I can comment on this week (e.g. unexpected cat meow at 44:01 that nearly gave me a heart attack on my way to work), but all are overshadowed by one thing:

REALLY paul? taylor swift? sigh. I suppose it's just something I have to accept. I don't understand it, but I'll try not to judge. I appreciate the fact that you have an inner teenage girl (everyone should), but I can't get behind what she's into.

paul, I saw this last night and thought of you


  1. Oh no! You said you had many things to comment on but then the post just ends :( I guess Taylor Swift sucked the wind out of you.

    I totally agree with the transparency. The best stuff comes when you put a bunch of knowledgeable people in a room with a loose agenda and let them go. This is how all of my favorite podcasts work (Buzz Out Loud, the 404, This Week In Tech, etc).

  2. don't worry, DJ Reef! I'm sure those comments will worm their way into some future post/s. thanks for caring, however, and yes, Taylor Swift's crazy eyes hypnotized me into numbness.
